
måndag 27 februari 2012

Jung jag med

Var ju tvungen att genomgå Jung testet eftersom kusinen gjort det, mitt resultat nedan:

ENFJ -  "Persuader". Outstanding leader of groups. Can be aggressive at helping others to be the best that they can be. 2.5% of total population.
Take Free Jung Personality Test
Personality Test by

Vaddå jobbig personlighet, stackars mina vänner ;)

outgoing, social, attention seeking, emotional, loving, organized, comfortable around others, involved, open, hyperactive, complimentary, punctual, considerate, altruistic, easily hurt, religious, neat, content, positive, affectionate, image conscious, good at getting people to have fun, easily excited, perfectionist, assertive, ambitious, leader, hard working, seductive, touchy, group oriented, anti-tattoos
*the descriptions listed here are made up of personality items. people who scored high on this type scored higher on the above items compared to the average. (more info)
favored careers:
casting directory, film critic, wedding planner, work in the performing arts, teacher (art, preschool, elementary), actor, fashion designer, news anchor, fashion merchandiser, school psychologist, broadcaster, stylist, interior designer, event coordinator, restaurant owner, childcare worker, hair stylist, film director, counselor, dancer
disfavored careers:
race car driver, scientist, computer specialist, airline pilot, computer programmer, financial manager, epidemiologist, truck driver, electrical engineer, software designer, web designer, business consultant, dj, bookseller

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hahahah, måste säga att jag gillar att disfavored careers är allt som har med datorer att göra ;)

    1. jo jag vet! ska göra provet fler ggr så får vi se om det verkligen stämmer... :/


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